Contact: Andrei Lavrinenko, DTU Fotonik, Fotonik, Bldg. 345v room 177, Phone: +45 45256392, Email:
Introduction: Metamaterials is an exciting topic in optics and electrodynamics, where the goal is to push material properties to the limits not encountered before in natural or synthesized substances. Such properties are reached by deep subwavelength structurization meaning that unit cells of the structure must be much less than the wavelength of waves. Conventional metamaterials contain metal parts that may introduce unwanted losses. The alternative approach – to use all-dielectric metamaterials - has recently been elaborated [1]. The nice example of such metamaterial can be a periodic set of plastic containers filled with by ordinary taped water (Figure to right). If the containers are flexible enough to undergo reshaping (like squeezing the plastic sphere or cylinder), we can be able to drastically change the properties of metamaterial as a whole (Figure below) [2]. The target of the project is to design tunable metamaterial performing as an absorber, modulator or polarizer of electromagnetic waves.
Content: The student will get first experience in computational electrodynamics to model the properties of such metamaterial before and after reshaping. Then the metamaterial will be designed and modeled. Fabrication and characterization of the successful designs can be done in cooperation either with DTU Elektro and ITMO University, St. Petersburg.
- Knowledge of general electrodynamics and optics
- Experience with electromagnetic simulation software (not obligatory)
Additional information:
- Saman Jahani and Zubin Jacob, All-dielectric metamaterials, Nature Nanotechnology, v.11, p.23–36 (2016).
- Andrei Andryieuski, Svetlana M. Kuznetsova, Sergei V. Zhukovsky, Yuri S. Kivshar, Andrei V. Lavrinenko, Water: Promising Opportunities For Tunable All-dielectric Electromagnetic Metamaterials Scientific Reports, 2015, v.5, 13535, doi:10.1038/srep13535.
Practical details: The project is intended for 1 or 2 students.