Osamu Takayama:
Radu Malureanu:
Surface electromagnetic waves or simply surface waves are electromagnetic modes that are confined at the interface of two different media. Unlike bulk waves that propagate within the volume of medium, surface waves possess unique features of being able to confine light at very small volume at the surface and being extremely sensitive to the state of interface such as roughness and refractive indices. These features have been used for applications such as sensing, microscopy, and waveguiding at nano-metre scale. One of the most investigated and utilized surface waves are surface plasmon polaritions supported at the interface between dielectric and metal, which have made a great contribution to the establishment of subfield of photonics, nanophotonics.
During this project course, students will learn:
1) Different types of surface waves supported on different materials, such as metal, photonic crystals, chiral, nonlinear, birefringent materials, magnetic metamaterials,
2) Their features, applications, theoretical treatment for some of surface waves, conducting simulation by MATLAB codes.
3) The new kinds of surface waves that consist of two different materials mentioned in 1).
4) Their excitation and detection methods, such as Otto-Kretschmann configuration, grating coupling.
5) Surface waves supported on metamaterials, artificially designed optical materials that exhibit extreme optical parameters.