New retrieval method for determining a metamaterial’s refractive index
Andrei Lavrinenko, DTU Fotonik 4525-6392 (
Radu Malureanu,, bldg. 345V/178 tel. 452-56377
The basic principle behind the method is the direct dependency of imaginary and real part of n to the amplitude and phase change. |
Within our group, we developed a new method for determining the effective media parameters. It is based on following the fields behaviour inside the metamaterial and, by using known formulae, retrieve the material properties. The main advantage with respect to other methods is the unambiguity of the retrieved parameters.
Even if the principle behind such procedure is quite simple, its implementation for non-isotropic and/or chiral metamaterials is not necessary an easy task.
After understanding the basis of this method, you are expected, as part of the project, to implement it for non-isotropic metamaterials.