Semiconductor quantum dots
Anders Nysteen, 076/345V,
Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson,
Prof. Jesper Mørk, 081/345V,
Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have unique atom-like properties and are therefore often referred to as “man-made artificial atoms”. They have properties that make them useful for ultrafast communication lasers but are also being explored for future quantum information technology, both of which are research topics at DTU Fotonik. In the first part of this project you learn to solve numerically the three-dimensional Schrödinger equation for different QD systems. The simulations are performed using Comsol, where we calculate the eigenenergies and visualize the three-dimensional wavefunctions. In the second part of the project we consider a specific topic, depending on what you find interesting. It could be the application of quantum dots in lasers / systems with coupled quantum dots / general interaction between quantum dots and light, etc.
In the project we review the quantum mechanical theoretical framework as well as provide the necessary semiconductor background information, followed by the practical examples listed above. Thus, the project is an ideal supplement to any introductory quantum mechanic courses, but might as well be a good introduction for those unfamiliar with quantum mechanics. Feel free to drop by for more information.