Micro-PIV analysis of flow in simple microfluidic channels

Micro-PIV analysis of flow in simple microfluidic channels


Kirstine Berg-Sørensen, 4525-3101 (kirstine.berg-sorensen@fysik.dtu.dk)


Examples of the design of the microfluidic channel to be investigated – and the new equipment to use.

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is an established method for the investigation of velocity fields in a wide range of fluid systems, as for example the liquid flow around swimming organisms or the flow in a channel with obstacles. In this project, you will be among the first to apply and learn to use a brand new commercial system for microPIV; PIV in a microfluidic system. The fluidic channels to be investigated are simple constructs in PDMS and glass, developed for combined optical and acoustic trapping. You will also be able to suggest and investigate other simple channel geometries. The project contains experimental work including data analysis using available software.