Detaljeret beskrivelse

New 3D metal deposition technique for metamaterials fabrication


Radu Malureanu,, bldg. 345V/178 tel. 452-56377

Andrei Lavrinenko, DTU Fotonik 4525-6392 (



Left: Overview of a 3D structure covered with a thin metal layer. Right: Detail of the structure’s corner.

One of the main challenges in fabricating metamaterials is given by the difficulty of isotropic deposition of metals on 3D complex structures. Within our group, we optimised a liquid-based deposition technique for such task. The advantages of this technique are manifold (e.g. simple chemistry, intrinsic isotropic technique, fast, cheap …). Still, before reaching the status of a standard approach, it needs further improvement and development.

This project is aimed in obtaining a reliable and simple procedure for Ag deposition on complex structures to be further used in metamaterials fabrication.