Automation of a microfluidic system for high-throughput protein analysis
Josiane P. Lafleur, DTU Nanotech, 4525 5848,
Jörg P. Kutter, DTU Nanotech, 4525 6312,
Project description

Research on the structure of proteins can bring forth a wealth of information about biological function and can be used to better understand the processes in living cells. Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) can be used to analyze structural changes of proteins, such as disassembly and unfolding, in response to variations in experimental conditions, typically changes in their chemical environment.
Since the experimental conditions that may promote structural changes in proteins are often unknown a priori, it is desirable to develop a device in which experimental parameters that can affect structural states, such as pH and concentration, can be varied in an automated fashion. Microfluidic devices offer fluidic handling capabilities to quickly change experimental conditions. Our group has developed a microfluidic device for SAXS analysis. The device, named the bioXTAS chip, incorporates diffusion-based mixing of protein samples with buffers and an X-ray transparent 200-nL sample chamber for SAXS analysis. The device minimizes sample consumption and automates the data collection procedure while enabling flexible on-chip variation in the experimental conditions employed. Further automation of the fluidic components (pumps and valves) is vital in order to obtain a truly high-throughput system. You will be working on a fully functional system in which individual components already work in an automated fashion. Your task will be to integrate the various components together.
Participating in this challenging project will give you the opportunity to work with an interdisciplinary team of scientists. You will get a practical introduction to microfluidics, learn about polymer microfabrication and get the chance to test the devices you have automated with real samples. Knowledge of Python, C++ or Visual Basic is required for this project.
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