Valgte projekter F2013

Siden viser de projekter som blev valgt i foråret 2013. Der vil være et resumé for hvert projekt, som er skrevet i begyndelsen af projektet.

  1. Fabrication and transmission electron microscopy of poly silicon nano ribbons
    Jens Grønborg, Lars Kildebro og Sebastian Bror Robert Pettersson
    Vejledere: Kristian Mølhave, DTU Nanotech
    The purpose of our project, fabrication and transmission electron microscopy of poly silicon nanoribbons, will be to fabricate poly silicon nanoribbons in the Danchip cleanroom, characterize the ribbons with the use of simple current-voltage measurements and visualize them with TEM. Hereafter we will stress the fabricated nanoribbons by changing the surface chemistry, and study the effects by repeating the IV measurements and TEM analysis.
  2. Metal coated thiol-ene waveguides for plasmon enchanced fluorescence
    Philip Rasmussen
    Vejledere: Thomas Glasdam Jensen, Klaus Bo Mogensen,og Nikolaj Agentoft Feidenhans'l, ChemLabChip-DTU Nanotech

    The focus of the project is design, development and optimization of thiol-ene waveguides used for detection of simple fluorescent proteins.  The goal is to use a thin metal coating (gold to begin with) to produce a plasmon effect, which in turn can enhance intensity of the fluorescence and therefore the signal to noise ratio. To achieve the desired effect it is required to optimize many different parameters and factors. The factors could be: Annealing temperature, waveguide design, thiol-ene composition, fluoresence  molecule, excitation wavelength, metal coating methods, the metal itself and the production method of the waveguides(milling, nickel form etc.).

  3. Single-photon sources for quantum information processing
    Alexander Sougaard Tygesen og Nicolai Hagen
    Vejledere: Niels Gregersen og Jesper Mørk, DTU Fotonik

    There are three main problems when creating single photon sources in nano wires: The light needs propagate in the first guided mode, such that the light can be directed into a lens. Secondly, by symmetry, the light can either propagate forward or backward, which means that reflection is required to ensure that all of the light travels in the correct direction. Lastly, the type of tapering used in the nano wire influences be behaviour of the light at the end of the wire. In this project, we will take a theoretical approach to examine these problems.

  4. Discovering New Black Holes and Neutron Stars with the INTEGRAL Satellite
    Maja Tomicic og Hans Magnus Ahl
    Vejleder: Jerome Chenevez, DTU Space

    The aim of the project is to measure fluxes of possible new X-ray sources (black holes and neutron stars) as well as to improve the measurement of positions of little-known sources. We will exploit real data from the international space observatory JEM-X, aboard the ESA satellite INTEGRAL. Sky images will be obtained and light curves and energy distribution of the X-ray emission will be produced from observations to study the time variations of the source X-ray emission and to further investigate the physical properties of the sources. Furthermore, we hope to discover new celestial X-ray sources and to study their observational properties.

  5. Fabrikation af CMUT
    Mathias Dahl Johansen og Jeppe Nyskjold Lohse
    Vejleder: Erik V. Thomsen, DTU Nanotech
    The goal of this project is to fabricate a CMUT device in the danchip cleanroom. The CMUT can send out and meassure high frequent soundwaves. Former studies have shown problems in the fabrication of the oxide, therefore the first object is to sketch the fabrication process and study the oxide growth theoretically. Then the oxide will be studied practically by fabricating the CMUT. This is done by choosing many different shapes of the membrane in order to see if corners affect the breakdown voltage of the oxide. The same is done by fabricating membranes with different circumferences to see how that affects the device.