Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Torben Roland Nielsen, DTU Fotonik, 4525-6367 (
Niels Gregersen, DTU Fotonik, 4525-3789 (
Jesper Mørk, DTU Fotonik, 4525-5765 (
Upper: Quantum dots. Lower: model of a quantum dot and corresponding wavefunctions. |
Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are nowadays used in cutting edge research, due their unique atom-like properties. For this reason QDs have been labeled as "artificial atoms". In this project you learn to solve numerical the three-dimensional Schrödinger equation for different QD systems. The simulations are performed using FemLab. From the eigenenergies and eigenfucntions we may obtain: transition energies / visualization of the three dimensional wave functions (stationary or in time) / quantum mechanical expectation values such as e.g. the position / dipole and Coulomb matrix elements.
In the project we first review the quantum mechanical theoretical framework as well as provide the necessary semiconductor background information, followed by the practical examples listed above. Thus, the project is an ideal supplement or add-on to any Introductory Quantum Mechanic courses. Feel free to drop by for more detailed information.