3D diffusion lithography for micro lens array fabrication
Jeppe Clausen, DTU Fotonik, 4525-3837 (jepcl@fotonik.dtu.dk)
N. Asger Mortensen, DTU Fotonik, 4525-6622 (namo@fotonik.dtu.dk)
Micro lens arrays fabricated using 3D diffusion lithography. [Chang et al., Optics Letters, Vol. 31, Issue 20, pp. 3016-3018 (2006)] |
In this project a method for fabricating micro lens arrays (MLA) for use in plastic component should be developed and characterized. The work will be experimental with work both in the Danchip cleanroom and in optical laboratories.
Micro lens arrays are used for many purposes in optical systems. In this project the MLA should function as a diffuser of light for use in plastic components. The project is related to the NanoPlast project where the goal is to create color effects in mass produced plastic parts by structuring the surface.
The fabrication method which should be developed is known as 3D diffusion lithography and has been reported in literature (see fig. 1), but never tried out in our laboratory. The project goal is therefore to test and characterize this method in the Danchip cleanroom and fabricate samples in polymer which should be characterized optically to identify the best diffusers for our purpose and how to fabricate these.