Valgte projekter F2016

Siden viser de projekter som blev valgt. Resuméet er skrevet i begyndelsen af projektet.

  1. Perovskite Solar Cells
    William Naundrup Bodé, s141209, Thor Heine Snedker, s136549
    Vejledere: Brian Seger, Peter Vesborg, DTU Fysik
    Perovskite solar cells is characterized by the chemical composition CH3NH3PbX3, (where X is a halogen) which excels themselves by being cheap to manufacture furthermore have they shown a distinct and rapid progress in PCE (power conversion efficiency). Only from the first solid-state perovskite solar cell reported in mid-2012 a PCE of 16.2% in 2013, then 17.9% in 2014 and 20.1% in 2015 was confirmed. The perovskite solar cell is also thought to be far from fully optimized, which makes it an interesting subject for future research. This due to the diversity implicit stated above; X is a halide which can be replaced by another, hence diversity. The rapid energy consumption of the world, leads to the issue with still rising levels of green house gases in our atmosphere. This yields a demand for sustainable energy sources, of which the perovskite solar cell could be an appropriate option from both an economical (cheap manufacturing) and of course environmental point of view. The sun will always provide us with enough energy to power the planet. This is why solar cells is undergoing such a development. The solar cell directly converts sunlight to electricity. The incoming photons delivers energy to the PN-junction and if the photon has enough energy it will produce a electron-hole pair and ideally the minority carrier will make it across the PN-junction and the electron will make it across a load and complete the circuit. The perovskite solar cell is both cheaper and easier to manufacture versus silicon solar cells. The chemical composition makes it possible to ”control”the bandgap in a way that you can choose between different halogens. However, to achieve higher efficiencies we want to combine the perovskite with a silicon cell to form a tandem device such that the low-energy photons will pass through to the silicon cell so that we are utilizing the solar spectrum  fully. In the making of photovoltaic cells (PV cells) it is important to work in a clean environment. For the perovskite which is an organic-inorganic compound it is very important to work in a clean and nonhumid environment to obtain a high PCE and avoid degradation of the PV cells in the making. Because of these requirements we will produce the solar cell in a glovebox, which allows us to control these parameters. A lot of the wet chemistry will ostensibly be done in the glovebox such as spincoating etc. When the perovskite PV cells are made, we will test them; An x-ray diffraction on the PV cells will be carried out to look at the crystal lattice structure, thus examine if the structure is as desired. Further an UV absorption test of the perovskite PV cells is to be carried out, of course with an illuminator that corresponds to the solar spectrum, to test the PCE of the PV’s. In this project we will focus on
    - Making a tandem/2-photon device to fully utilize the sunlight

    - High power-conversion-efficiencies - using the right halogen

    - Test different architectures

    - Perspectivate to mass production and long time usage

    - Try to eliminate the discrepancy between different scanning methods.


  2. Ultra-thin deposition of Au layers
    Jens Sørensen, s144062, Victor Beier Schousboe, s144078, Frederik Schweer-Gori, s144100
    Vejledere: Radu Malureanu, Andrei Lavrinenko, DTU Fotonik
    In this project we aim to create ultra-thin - about 5 nm thick - Au-layers on a dielectric substrate using the Lesker in DTU Danchip Cleanroom. The goal of the project is to optimize the deposition recipe. We will vary different parameters of the Lesker’s deposition, and thereby optimize these parameters, of our own choice, for our layer deposition. We will analyze the deposited wafers using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), to check the coverage of the metal layer, and an atomic force microscope (AFM) to determine the smoothness of the deposited layer. The SEM pictures gathered will be analyzed in a home-made Python-script, resulting in quantitative data to determine the ideal optimization of the separate parameters. When the chosen parameters have been optimized to a degree where the Au-layer has the desired thickness and is as smooth as possible, the procedure will be repeated until statistical evidence provide us with a repeatable procedure. DTU Danchip has succesfully deposited 6 nm by using the Alcatel machine. Our goal is to be able to create layers of 6 nm ±1nm Au-layers.Since the Lesker is an automatic sputtering machine our wafers should have a much smaller deviation for each batch of wafers compared to the Alcatel.

  3. Analogy between the physics of quantum confinement of electrons and optical waveguides
    André Bötcher Larsen, s144083, Daniel Liljegren Dinesen, s144094
    Vejledere: Il-sug Chung, Jesper Mørk, DTU Fotonik
    Vi vil generelt arbejde med sammenhængen mellem elektroner og fotoner i periodiske systemer. Denne lighed skyldes analogien mellem hovedsætninger i kvantemekanikken og elektromagnetismen. Vi vil blandt andet også arbejde med hetero-strukturer til skabelse af fotoniske og elektroniske kvantebrønde. Målet er at kunne udnytte kendte kvantemekaniske egenskaber til at opbyggelse af fotoniske systemer. Såsom en fotonisk brønd.

  4. Plasma Diffusion in a Fusion Reactor
    Raja Shan Zaker Mahmood, s144102
    Vejledere: Jens Juul Rasmussen og Jens Madsen, DTU Fysik
    This Course Project is centred around the concept of diffusion in a plasma. Considering that a plasma is composed of charged particles and we are interested in confining them in a closed space, diffusion is a matter of great concern. To begin with, the project will look a plasma analytically, from the point of view of both particles and hydrodynamics. The same for the concept of diffusion and how it arises in the plasma descriptions being used. The end goal of the analysis will be to find an expression for the diffusion constant for the phenomena. The analytical model will serve as the framework around which we can introduce numerical programming into the solution of the emergent equations. Solutions will be found to the non-linear differential equations that arise, by using numerical methods, implemented in Python. The final goal of the project is to find solutions to the non-linear model equations, arising in the analytical models, which have been developed.